Monday, October 14, 2013


You read it here first: HTML 6 is going to have to integrate haptics standards.  Hopefully, I'm wrong it haptics will hit by HTML5.x -I think the next big frontiers in opening up what technology can do for education might well be, literally, in our hands.  Not only are 20-60% of people self-identified as haptic learners, but look around at how often people have a handheld device in use: smartphones, tablets, and more, oh my!

So what's the hold up?  Well, a major piece is fidelity - the average smartphone has one "actuator" or "effector" to allow the phone to buzz.  That's not very useful in communicating in depth information, and could well be a distraction to most learners.  Some folks have used smartphones, connected to a haptic "suit" to create augmented reality experiences, grounded in the "real world" but guided by GPS.  The phone talks to the actuators in the suit, rather than having its own - a great compromise, but potentially also farrr too expensive to be widespread in education (yes, with 3 R's...).  Maybe we'll see a day when everyone has embedded datajacks to physically connect with their "smart" device, and we'll really see science fiction come to life...but until then, having an open standard for web development to leverage haptic coding is the next step. 

I'd be remiss if I didn't include my recent prezi on the topic.

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