So, what have we done so far in this class? Well, lots:
- Twitter assignments using the #ci5351 hashtag
- Formed SIGs of our own design and connected with other members in the class
- Built a portfolio (did mine in Canvas)
- Put together a podcast
- Put together a screencast
- Assembled an instructional video
- Read a bunch of stuff
- Having all of my Augsburg students put together a screencast presentation as part of an Instructional Design project
- While the technology is important in and of itself, I've been more direct about the connections to pedagogy and content
- TPACK and the Venn diagram showing intersections between TK, PK, and CK is now being used as a visual representation of the course design, and then discussed with my students
- I've gotten more resources together to support my students
- I made an unsuccessful pitch to the department about piloting Canvas, even as an outside thing. "Not enough money" and "We like Moodle" were the responses I met with. Oh well. I might just go and do things my own way, or customize Moodle in ways similar to what we've seen in this class.